2 min readAug 17, 2020



Today I have applied the pomodoro technique in completing the task which was learning about the microprocessors. I got through the Introduction part of the microprocessors & specifically through the part of 8085 microprocessor.

When I started this technique I used the time available in the clock & not the timer, in the end it did the same as implying a timer. The experience was a difficult one in the beginning which was after going through the time line I didn’t completed the task associated with it like in the 1st 25 minutes I wasn’t able to complete the “what is microprocessor” part. But when I took the break of 10 minutes I was feeling fresh. I look at the time & then again started my course & this time I did it in time. Whenever I was completing my tasks in time I felt a joy. To make this happiness more I take something to eat or have a talk with the family member in that 5–10 minutes.

I can say this that this technique helped me in accomplishing more of my small goals which lead to a bigger goal that is to have the knowledge of microprocessors. So I am planning to do this again in my daily tasks to make myself more productive, fresh & focused.

To improve my experience I will start by making my distractions away that are checking Whats app after some time, using Facebook at a proper time, shut the doors of the room & focus on the one thing that I am doing & have a bottle or a glass of water to stay hydrated.

Lastly i want to say this that everyone should adopt this technique. It will help you in completing your tasks in a timely manner. Also you can do more tasks by applying this technique on daily basis. Moreover you can have a control over time that you spent on a particular task. You can also give time to others after you have successfully completed the work. It will give you a sense of comfort.

I will be grateful to all who reads it & comments below.





